Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So many lives were changed by this one event - lives were changed due to the loss of a friend or family member in the events of September 11, 2001 - lives were changed as people were inspired to pursue jobs in the military or in other law enforcement branches due to the events of that day - lives were changed as hearts were awakened to the pain, suffering, and needs of fellow Americans.  A speaker at the Memorial Service for Flight 93 (I cannot remember his name, he helps counsel the grieving families) said that people that lost loved ones on September 11th are always asking him how to get over the pain of September 11th. He made the statement "I am not sure getting over the pain is a good thing".  He said that learning to live and grieve effectively with the pain is necessary so that we don't forget how much we lost that day, or how much we have gained since that day. 

Remembering can sometimes be very painful....I don't like pain....physical or otherwise.  However, some of the best lessons I have learned in my life were painful....sometimes painful to my body, sometimes to my mind, lots of times to my pride. :)  I have learned that by trying to forget that pain - especially to my mind and pride (because I think physical pain goes away faster than a wounded ego) - I forget the lesson attached to it.

I heard my Pastor say once - and he may have said it more than once, but I am remembering a very specific time - that if you see a story, or a lesson, repeated in the Bible more than once you better pay attention....God is trying to show you something.  I looked it up and the word "remember" is in the King James version of the Bible 210 times, in scriptures where God is saying He will remember, or in scripture where He is giving the command to remember.  There is a word that translates to "remember", and it is written in the Bible 210 times.  I think that perhaps remembering - as painful as it can be - is something we are supposed to do.  I will remember....

1 comment:

Mrs. K said...

When I am in physical pain I offer it up to Jesus who was in ever so much pain before and while hanging on the cross. He was there for me, for my salvation. When I am in emotional pain, i.e. depression, frustration, I try to remember God is always with me and He is suffering with me as He does not like to see His children suffer. I try to keep in mind "WWJD". I also like to think His Mother is with me as she too, does not like to see us suffer. We are her children along with her son, Jesus. God promises us there will be no tears, no suffering in heaven.

My mother always said "this too shall pass."

It is a shame that the thousands of flags that flew right after 9/11 are not still flying, and the thousands of people that found their knees and flew to church right after 9/11 are no longer on their knees nor in church. I wonder how many still remember w/o it being a special designated day.