Monday, September 17, 2012

Father and Son Return...

High Point State Park....a 30 lb. pack on Chris, and a 40 lb. pack on Brandon, 23 miles and 1100 feet in 2 days...without coffee!!!  (Good thing they brought their muscle ;))

Lots of rocks and forest...
Lots of elevation and climbing (not a lot of trail)....
Lots of views....
High Point Monument....
Lots of memories!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Father and Son Weekend...

Chris and Brandon camped out at High Point last night....
Chris and Brandon headed out this morning...
 They were packed with everything they would need for a couple of nights out on the Appalachian Trail....
 Muscle is a good thing to pack....
Love my man and my boy!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School 2012...

I cannot believe it....Summer is over, and another school year has begun.  This is not just "another" school year for this Kopp family, however.  This year is epic!!

This is the year that Brandon and Trevor go to high school together....
Brandon as a Senior, and Trevor as a Freshman....
This is also the year that Joshua begins Middle School....
My big 7th grader.
This is also the year that Reagan and Jason join the ranks and begin their schooling years....
I cannot believe my little twins are old enough to go to Kindergarten....
Elli is going to miss her brothers, and is pretty convinced that she is going with them...
Although Elli will be staying at home, she will also be learning....her letters and numbers and songs...
This year is truly going to be monumental!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Guess who got his driver's license?

No...not Joshua :)
...Brandon got his Probationary Driver's September he can get his regular NJ Driver's license....oh wait, he won't be here next year...hmmm....I wonder if his regular Driver's license will be from Colorado (Air Force Academy), New York (West Point), Maryland (Naval Academy), or Arizona (Embry Riddle)?