Friday, July 27, 2012

It's Official!!!!

I have been wanting to teach Reagan and Jason how to swim for a couple of years now.  But, swim lessons here on the East coast are very pricey ($250.00 for 8 sessions / child was the cheapest I found), and public pools are non-existent.  There are private clubs that you can join, but those too carry a very large price tag (thousands of dollars per year).  
Last month, my neighbor was asking me what we all had planned for this summer.  I mentioned to her my desire to teach the twins to swim and asked her if she knew of any places, that were reasonably priced, that offered swimming lessons.  She frowned and said "no"...that swimming lessons always carry a big price tag here.  Then, she offered me the use of her own pool so I could teach the twins how to swim.  I was a little hesitant...I don't know them that well, plus, it is kind of awkward going into someone's backyard and swimming in their pool.  However, after her assurance that she would love for someone to use their pool - they are beach people - I accepted her offer and made arrangements to swim between 10 and 11 am, Monday through Friday.  We have been pretty faithful to this schedule, with the exception of rainy days, vacation days, doctor/dentist appointment days, and sick days.  So, here we are, the end of July, and Jason and Reagan can swim!!!
Right now, they stick to the little end of the pool (where they can stand up if they need to stop and take a breath), and they still hold their nose with one hand.  I am confident, however, that by the end of August these two little guys will be all over that pool and using both hands to maneuver themselves through the water!!
Yeah Jason and Reagan!!  I am soooo proud of you!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ohio Vacation...part 1...

Oh, how is it that life gets so ugly busy :(  A massive storm, no power for 5 days, a computer crash, and then a new computer to learn how to use, not to mention 6 children with busy schedules that require my full attention, are all to blame for my lack of attention to my blog....Sorry!!  Today begins me posting pictures from our vacation to Ohio.  I will add more to this post as the week goes on...
Our friend Susan, and her boys Dan and Andrew, spoiled us by taking us to an Akron Aeros baseball
game.  The company Susan works for owns a box at the stadium, so we ate, drank, and watched the game in luxury, right behind home plate.  We caught 3 balls during the game...the kids had a blast...
Brandon and Dan....
Joshua, Trevor, and Andrew...
 Jason and Reagan with Orbit at the game - they even got his autograph....
Elli had a blast hanging and swinging from the handrail during the entire game....

Monday, July 9, 2012

I am going to be a Great Aunt!!!

My nephew Jason, and his wife Naomi are adopting a baby!!!  They have been on the road to adoption for 2 years, and just last week they were chosen to be the parents to a baby girl...Ariah Sage is due to come into this world in only a few days!!!  Jason and Naomi are having an iPad giveaway to try to raise money to help out with all the costs involved in the adoption process.  You can read about their story and their giveaway HERE!!!  I cannot wait to see my new Great Niece!!!  Congratulations Jason and Naomi, we love you and are so happy for you!!!