Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Today was the first day of Boyscout Day Camp for Joshua. It was terribly lonely without him at home today. However, it was wonderfully exciting for Joshua! The theme for the camp this year is "Everyday Heroes". Chris was one of the "Everyday Heroes" to speak at the camp today. He and Joshua left early this morning, along with all of Chris' FBI SWAT gear, for Camp Butler. After the boys were all checked in, about 100 kids, the camp leader settled the boys in for a little meeting before the troops separated and started the days' activities. One of the first things he did was to ask if Joshua Kopp was present, and if he would please come forward. So, our troop leader asked Chris to walk Joshua up to the front. Let me tell you a little story before I go on...A couple of months ago, when we signed Joshua up for camp, a letter was sent out to each boyscout asking for ideas on a patch design for the theme, and the winner would have his camp fee refunded (each boy will receive a patch at the end of the 3 day camp). Joshua was excited about the contest and kept saying he was going to draw up a patch design and send it in. Only, he waited until the day before the deadline to do it. We got it in the mail so that it would be post marked with the deadline date, but I still told Joshua that it might not get there in time. We never heard anything, so we didn't think of it again. Until...this past Monday. We received a letter containing all of the information we would need to prepare Joshua for camp - paperwork, gear, lunch, etc. On the letter was a picture of the patch being used for the camp. As soon as I saw it I said to Joshua "that is your patch". We couldn't believe it - it wasn't exactly the same, the wording was a little different, but other than that, it was his patch design. We were thinking maybe somebody else had the same idea only better, or maybe it didn't get there in time, but they liked it, so they used it. I told Chris and he said that somebody probably drew up a similar patch. So, we just said "weird" and let it go. OK... back to this morning. Chris and Joshua are standing up in front of all the boyscouts, leaders, helpers, parents, etc., and the camp leader proceeds to introduce Joshua as the Patch Design Winner!!! They framed a Winner's Certificate, with his original drawing and the patch, and presented it to Joshua, along with a refund of his camp fee. We are all so proud of him!! We knew you all would be too!!

It was pouring rain when Chris and Joshua left this morning, so we had to take his picture, before departure, in the garage.

This is Joshua (minus all the mud and muck from the day at camp) and his award.

This is a close up of the certificate. You can (sort of) see his original design compared to the actual Patch.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dear, Dear, we looooove Deer!

Grandma got too see some deer! She has gotten to see a lot of little woodland creatures during her stay with us, but she has been wanting to see some deer - boy did she get a show!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Entertaining Grandma Pauline

I think the highlight of my mother's visit will be all of the shows that the twins put on for her - they love to entertain Grandma! Today, I was ironing some clothes in my room and the twins and Grandma came up to keep me company. They got up on my bed and realized that they could see themselves in the mirror above my dresser. Not being able to resist, they immediately began to perform for Grandma - carefully observing every facial expression and body movement in the mirror. Hilarious!!:)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grandma Pauline is in town

My mom came into town this past Wednesday. She will be visiting with us for a couple of weeks. So far, we have been busy playing cards and showing grandma all the things we have learned since we saw her last year. Today the twins were entertaining her - thought you all might enjoy the show;)!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Joshua is 9 years old!!

Joshua turned a whopping 9 years old yesterday! We woke him up with breakfast in bed:

Yesterday evening we had some friends over for a Star Wars/Clone Wars birthday party. We barbecued some burgers, played Legos Star Wars Wii with our friends, had a Star Wars birthday cake, and closed out the evening with a fireworks extravaganza! We finished up at about midnight. We all had a super time and Joshua had "the best birthday ever"!

Reagan performed for everyone at the party:)

(Yes... you heard him correctly, at the end he says "thank you" and takes a bow)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Brandon's Bright Ideas II: May the Fourth Be With You

Hey folks, Brandon again. It seemed no one liked my invention as much as my movies, so here are two:

This first one was requested by a Mrs. Patti Rice in Corvallis, Oregon. She wanted to see a video of a young man named Jason Patrick Kopp dancing-

This second video depicts our fun filled fourth of July from beginning to end-

Friday, July 3, 2009

The many faces of Jason and Reagan (& Joshua;))

When Patti first began scrap booking (I think it was about 11 years ago that she made me a scrap book), - WOW - she made me a scrap book for Christmas. One of the pages in it is called "The many faces of Brandon". So the title for this blog is actually partially plagiarized from that scrapbook page. :)

Jason and Reagan are fish Jason and Reagan are cowboys Jason is STRONG (too bad the grunting and growling didn't come out in the picture) Reagan is STRONG (again, too bad the physical shaking exerted while flexing didn't come out in the picture) Reagan is a boxer Jason is a boxer Reagan, Joshua, and Jason are STRONG boxers