Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Great and Terrible Snow Storm that made a SNOW DAY for Jason and Reagan's 8th birthday...

Today the twins are thanking all of the Drama Queen Governors and Mayors who created a SNOW DAY for everyone in the state (we barely got 2 inches but thanks to the drama and hype created by Chris Christie…DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS MAN FOR PRESIDENT… everyone is to stay home today…fine with me but I would rather it be by choice and not be by a Govt. directive…ok, getting off of my soapbox).  We are always so thankful for a SNOW DAY…but they are something extra special when they fall on a birthday!!!!
Today Jason and Reagan turn 8 years old...
I do not believe that there are twins out there as cute as ours...
 As soon as the donuts were eaten and the presents were opened we all put on our snow clothes and headed out…
Mom had this great idea to use all the snow on the deck to build an igloo…she is a pretty smart lady...
 Mom shoveled snow into the buckets and everyone else took turns stacking the snow and returning the buckets to get filled again…
 Of course there were breaks for princesses…
…and Birthday boys…
…but the big boys continued to work hard…
…as did the little boys…
..well…that is when they weren't posing for pictures :)
 …and no…Joshua doesn't wear glasses…just being goofy…
But look at this cutie patutie in his new winter jacket that I got for 2$ at a Consignment store…it is REI…and it will fit him for another year…woohoo!!
Happy SNOW DAY East coast…and Happy Birthday to the best twins on the planet!!
oh yeah…and the finished semi-igloo...
Gotta stop cause we are headed to McDonald's for lunch…WOOHOO!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Guess who is 10 months old today?

Weston turns 10 months old today…and surprise…he is an official walker…
He was actually walking about a week ago.  
He is so good now that he is officially playing with the big kids….

Thursday, January 15, 2015

My kids are so fun...

As most of you know, during the past couple of months, my Hubba has been living in a hotel an hour away from home during the week.  The case that he has been working on for the past few years is finally on trial.  It has been a challenge without the daddy home because it means that the little ones are lugged into the car for late night baseball, wrestling, and Boy Scout rides…and they are lugged into the car for early morning rides to school.  It has been very cold, and sometimes snowy, during these rides…and although they don't always enjoy these rides, they generally make these rides more fun for me…

Motivated to get into the car before heading to Boy Scouts to pick up boys...
 Heading out to the car this morning to take the boys to school...
Elli has learned to read and she is excited about all the books she is finding on the shelves at home.  This morning she clung to 3 books as she headed out to the car…
Life is just so much more fun with my kids :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

More snow…and...

Elli and Weston watching the snow come down…
and…Weston has taken up a new interest…

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

It snowed!!!

We got the first real snow of the Winter Season today...
 After finishing up Grammar, Spelling, Writing and Math the kids headed outside to play for an hour… 
…then it's back to school till later :)  WOOHOO!!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas fun...

Christmas was pretty laid back for us.  We had a virus of some sort make its' way through our family so we rested a lot in between all the fun :)

Daddy and Brandon went shooting…well not really…that was just a story they told so that they could secretly go Christmas shopping...
 Once Brandon got home we decorated the tree...
Cowboy style...
 We made Christmas cookies...
 And then Christmas finally arrived…

Daddy and Brandon got me this beautiful picture of the USAFA to add to my collection…we have a wall of pictures…each in a matching frame…of all the places we have lived :)
 Joshua got a Golf shirt...
 All the kids pitched in and got Brandon THOR'S HAMMER...
 Weston got a guitar that is shaped like a dog...
 Can you guess what Joshua got me?
 All the kids pitched in and got Trevor a nerf gun…A Zombie Nerf Gun!!
 Our little Princess adds so much to Christmas…a shining jewel amidst all the boy stuff :)
 Jason wanted a leather jacket sooooo bad...
 Brandon got some weights for his dorm room from his dad…he needs to bulk up a little...
 Mommy got Cowgirl…or Caligirl…boots from Daddy…SWEET!!!
 Elli got a doll that looks just like her :)
 Weston got a big toy that you dump balls into…he loves balls!!!
 Reagan…or Captain America…had a blast this Christmas!!
 Jason got a Zombie Nerf Machete…doesn't every boy need one of those?
 Brandon got Elli a little couch and she has used it everyday since Christmas!  It opens up to a bed, so truly, day and night, that couch is in use :)
Elli and her twin…matching hair…matching dresses…so girly :)
 Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year…we love you all and wish we lived closer so that we could all celebrate together…maybe in 2015...