Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Background...

The weather, here in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, has gone from...

Days where we played in the park with no jackets...
Joshua climbed on everything...
Reagan played on lots of play yard equipment...
but his absolute favorite was...THE SWINGS!!
Jason was extremely satisfied playing in the treehouse with all the friends he made while we were at the park (mostly girls...hmmmm;))...
Elli watched and took it all in... 
Until a baby swing opened up... 
When Jason saw his sister in a swing, he quickly abandoned all the other girls and ran to make sure his sister experienced what it was like to be pushed high on a swing... 
When Elli had enough of the swings, she decided to explore the rest of the playground (there are no pictures other than this because mom was quite busy trying to keep Elli from being ran over, and from eating the wood chips;))... 
...we even rode bikes outside with no jackets... blustery days where we had chilly picnics outside... 
...To snow again... 
Hence the new background...the sky is always blue from the window of an airplane...okay, except when the weather new background is for Brandon - who LOVES airplanes;).


Danielle said...

o my! the snow looks so serene! we're supposed to have some tomorrow (fingers crossed!) I can NOT believe how fast the twins' hair grows! seems like you just cut it! crazy. Eli's getting so big. She's a doll!

Mrs. K said...

Absolutely beautiful, or should I say handsome, pictures!!!!

I want to go on a picnic with you too. But you can keep the snow for yourselves.