Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just to keep you up to date on Olga, her Adoption Grant account is now at $3400.00!!  And, if everyone that has visited my sister-in-law's blog - 2400people yesterday - gave only $10.00, Olga would have enough money for a family to adopt her.  So...keep praying, and if you donated, thank you.  For some reason, this little girl has touched the hearts of this family.  So thank you for praying with us!!

And now for something completely different...(you will have to scroll down and pause the player on the left side of the blog before you watch this - but it is worth it, this video is AWESOME!!)

1 comment:

Mrs. K said...

This is the second video I have seen with this happening. Both were ever so moving I am crying, crying for those who have gone astray and hopefully will be inclined to come back to the fold and the Lord. Thanks for sharing.