Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3

Classic carols with a modern twist - that seems to be our theme these first few days.  This is another one of our favorites - Enjoy!

Elli's new favorite thing to do is to ride on the airplane or train toy...she loves when her brothers push her around the house!
 Brandon rarely holds still long enough for me to take his picture, or he is off at CAP or track practice, so when he set out to put up Christmas Decorations, I got my camera out...


Patti said...

Brandon- your present should arrive tomorrow! Trevor...yours is still in my closet...spacey Aunt Patti:) I will mail it tomorrow! Just wanted your b-day to last a lil longer hehe:)

Mrs. K said...

OK I give up...what is that Brandon is building? Oh is that the manger of the beautiful wooden Nativity scene?

This selection of music isn't too bad, at least I can hear the words. I know, it's the style of modern day music. :>)

Patti said...

weird- I commented earlier today and it's gone:(

JOsh said...

Elli sure looks cute on the plane! I dont think Elli is smiling, she is trying to get air from being squeezed into the steering wheel.