Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Where in the U.S. will the Kopps go next?

Chris got his transfer orders yesterday. I know everyone is curious as to where we will go next so I decided to make a little game out of it. Below are some facts about the state we will live in next. Can you guess where we are going?

*Has the highest population density in the U.S. - 1,030 people per sq. mile - 13 times the national average.
*90% of all people living there live in urban areas
*The only state where all the counties are classified as Metropolitan areas.
*It is the car theft capital of the world.
*Has the most dense system of highways and railways in the U.S.
*Is a major seaport state with the largest seaport in the U.S.
*Home to the Miss America Pageant.
*Home to Aaron Burr, Thomas Edison, Frank Sinatra, and Whitney Houston.
*The very first baseball game was played in one of this state's cities.

Have you guessed yet? OK, last fact:

*The street names in the game of Monopoly come from one of this state's famous cities. (this city also has the longest boardwalk in the U.S.)

OK, let's see who can guess correctly - leave your comments and I will post the answer tomorrow.


Liz Lewis said...

New Jersey? You gotta be kidding me? Is it still the Garden State?

Liz Lewis said...

New Jersey..the garden state.

Liz Lewis said...

The garden state of New Jersey?

CKopp said...

Um. Everybody knows already? Anyway, Alexander Hamilton was killed in this state, because dueling was illegal in other states.

...and a Chris-made fact: this state's Public Corruption makes Chicago look like the glee club...

CKopp said...

Liz wins. But since she entered three times, her prize is...she has to go to New Jersey!

Kenzie Rice said...

did u know that carlos' bakery is there????? JEALOUS!!

Lori said...

What is Carlos' bakery?

Mrs. K said...

Did you know Newark is the murder capitol of NJ? I will give you my addresses in Newark so you can reconnoiter, but remember I lived in Newark from 1942 until 1965. It was made up of Italians and other caucasians back then.