Thursday, June 21, 2012

Big brothers....

Big brothers are so fun!!  They are all home, all day long, for the summer and they are so much fun to hang around with.... 
...until they begin teaching you that it is ok to stick your head inside of a jet's exhaust vent... 

...or until they think it is funny for you to pose for a picture near "thermonuclear weapons"....
...or when they teach you that licking your elbow is funny and you should be proud that you can do it... 
hmmmm....we are in for an interesting summer ;)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Birds and braids....

 Joshua was working on his Bird Study Merit Badge last week, so we went to the beach to scope out some shore birds....
While Joshua looked through his binoculars and made notes on his clipboard, Elli played in the sand.... 
Jason and Reagan played in the water.... 
And...guess who got her hair braided yesterday? 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Guess who dressed herself again.  I love the chonies sticking out of the swimsuit :)  I also love how she chose to wear the knit cap Grammi made her with her a true Jersey kid...yes you see kids every day in knit caps and shorts.  We need to get out of here ;)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hello everybody, this is Jason and Reagan. A few days ago, our mom bought a Venus Flytrap for us.

 We have been watching it everyday to see if it is eating.  My mom read to us that the insides of the mouths of the Flytrap have to be red before they are ready to eat.  We have been having fun touching them with sticks and watching them close their mouths.  Yesterday we were playing out on the deck when we noticed that a Daddy Long leg was crawling on the Venus Flytrap....SNAP.....
Can you see the legs sticking out of the mouth?  So Cool!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Growing, growing....

My last post was about all my kids growing.  Today, I am going to post about all of our plants that are growing.  Remember the lavender that Elli picked out?
Look at it now....
Remember the lamb's ear that Reagan planted.... 
It has purple blossoms!!! :)
Remember the strawberry plant that Jason planted?   
We had to add a trellis to it because the runners were all over the place....
we need to find a plot of land to plant it in ;)
The newest addition to our patio garden was a gift from my friend Colleen.  She gave me a tomato plant :)  So Joshua and I planted it.  From what Colleen has told me, tomato plants get very tall, so I bought some bamboo, and Joshua made me a trellis....
I will keep you all posted about how it grows.  I am really looking forward to eating our home-grown tomatoes ;)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

...these little wonders...these small moments...go by too fast....

We have 2 weeks left of the 2011-2012 school year. 
On June 15, 2012, my little baby boy, Brandon....
...will be a big Senior in High School.... little baby boy, Trevor.... 
...will graduate from 8th grade and become a Freshman in high school.... little baby boy, Joshua.... 
...will be a 7th grader.... 
....and my little baby twins, Jason and Reagan....
...will be going to Kindergarten....
Uggg!!!!  Thank goodness I still have my little princess at home....
Check out this video I secretly took of Elli dancing with her baby.  I only wish I could have seen her face, you can tell she is busy talking and making faces at her baby.  And, watch how quickly she disappears when she sees that she is being filmed....

Friday, June 1, 2012

Memorial Day...a little bit late

Elli was sick on Memorial Day, so Jason and Reagan went with Daddy to the parade to cheer on their big brothers....
Brandon marched with the Civil Air Patrol - the arrow in the picture is pointing at Brandon....
Trevor and Joshua marched with the Boy Scouts - the red arrow is pointing to Trevor....
My 5 handsome boys.... 
Elli is feeling better now ;)  Last night she attended the National Honors Society Awards Ceremony for Trevor with Jason and I...Thank you Aunt Lisa for my pretty dress, I finally fit into it ;)