Monday, December 12, 2011

T - 13

In our house, we count down to birthdays by writing a "T -" on a white board hanging on the refrigerator, and then putting the number of days remaining until the BIG DAY after the minus sign.  Today is T-13 days until Jesus' birthday.

I don't know about any of you, but I often find myself thinking about Mary and Joseph and what it must have been like to have a baby that wasn't "theirs".  I know the joy of having a baby, looking at it and thinking about who it looks like, coming up with a special name, and then going home and raising that child and dreaming about who this little baby was going to grow up to be.  I wonder if there was a resemblance between baby Jesus and His earthly parents.  What did they think as they looked at that baby's face knowing that He was the Son of God.  They named Him Jesus, just as Mary was instructed to by an Angel.  When they were raising Jesus and teaching Him things - to roll over, to sit, to walk, to talk - what kind of anxieties did they feel as parents to do a good job.  I know I am constantly questioning my ability to be the mom that I need to be, the example that I need to be....did Jesus' parents feel that way too?  I know that they knew Jesus to be a Savior to mankind, but I don't believe they knew the details.  Chris and I are constantly teaching the boys and helping to prepare them to become responsible adults ready to make their way in the world.  How did Mary and Joseph help prepare Jesus for the role He was to play in the world?  I can imagine Mary and Joseph's hearts breaking when Jesus was brutally beaten and crucified.  I can also imagine their incredible joy at the role they played in bringing the Savior into the world and watching Him fulfill His Father's will.

Anywho...these are some things that I have been thinking about as we get closer to Jesus' birthday.  I saw this video this morning and it got me thinking again.  I loved it....hope you like it too....


PAULINE said...


Mrs. K said...

That was so neat. I do not belong to a social network but now see what one looks and works like. I liked this one, I liked the message.

Race Bannon said...

I like them too. You can gather evidence of crimes, since criminals like to talk about it.

Danielle said...

Wow too cool :) someone has a lot of time on their hands to creatE this!