Thursday, June 2, 2011

The simple life....

Chris and I have moved our family, to settle in new homes, across several states, twice now.  This last move, to New Jersey, I made the statement, several times, throughout the packing, moving out, storage, and moving in, that I wanted to become a minimalist.  Several times in the past months, Chris and I have had many conversations about our next move, and our desire to live simply.  I came across this video this morning.

I am not saying I want to copycat this person's idea of simple living.  I know for a fact that our 8 member family wouldn't fit in a house that small.  I am attracted to the idea of "focusing on what we do have, rather than on what we don't have".  I also liked what the woman in the video said about how affordable it has become to accumulate "things".  The whole idea of living simpler is so opposite to how the average American thinks and lives.  We have become the "bigger is better" nation (I won't get started on how that includes debt - from the White House on down...).  I believe that there is a freedom and liberty to living simply.  I believe that "things" can bind you - mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially!!!  I found it interesting to hear the woman express, at the beginning of the video, that she was worried about what people would think when they decided to downsize and live a simpler life.  Have you ever heard the expression "talk to the hand".  What a refreshing turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the idea that "bigger is better".

Talk to the hand!!


Race Bannon said...

Why don't you save some of that money...AND BUY YOUR DAUGHTER SOME PANTS! (...on sale of course)

Mrs. K said...

Watching HGTV's Property Virgins has shocked me to see how big these childless couples want their first homes to be. They want 3 - 4 bedrooms to be used for a guest room, an office area, a fitness room, fireplaces, etc. I love small, always have, with the exception of our first home, the log cabin. Boy do I still miss it.