Friday, July 3, 2009

The many faces of Jason and Reagan (& Joshua;))

When Patti first began scrap booking (I think it was about 11 years ago that she made me a scrap book), - WOW - she made me a scrap book for Christmas. One of the pages in it is called "The many faces of Brandon". So the title for this blog is actually partially plagiarized from that scrapbook page. :)

Jason and Reagan are fish Jason and Reagan are cowboys Jason is STRONG (too bad the grunting and growling didn't come out in the picture) Reagan is STRONG (again, too bad the physical shaking exerted while flexing didn't come out in the picture) Reagan is a boxer Jason is a boxer Reagan, Joshua, and Jason are STRONG boxers


Patti said...

very very sweet:) We love watching the vidoes of the kids over and over!

Trevie Bevie said...

I bet you guys watch more videos of me though right?8>~

Kenzie Rice said...

goodness!! how cute can they BE?!?!?!