Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Blogger Slump

I am sure that you all have noticed that the only thing that has changed about my blog is the look (I think I finally found a background I am happy with). *Just a quick side note - as I was writing that previous sentence I had a flashback to a conversation that Chris and I just had about girls softball. Brandon has been umping some softball games for some extra cash and Chris and I were talking about how girls softball isn't about wins or losses, home runs or strikeouts, it is about cheers and accessorizing. I guess that is why I had that quick flashback - Chris hasn't changed the look of his blog at all, if I am remembering correctly, and here I am accessorizing - Men and Women - so different - I am going to ask God when I meet Him about why He created us like He did - end of side note.* I am experiencing a slump, something similar to the hitting slump Brandon is currently experiencing in baseball;). I am not sure if it is an actual creative/writer's slump, or just the result of my extreme lack of focus on anything other than end of the year parties, cub/boy scout meetings/camps, and baseball. With Summer Break making it's debut tomorrow I am sure that my Blogger Slump will quickly dissolve into a Blogger Streak. You can all look forward to Blog updates on our garden-in-the-works, brag blogs, more posts from Brandon, Trevor, and Joshua, as well as other things that my creative/writer's slump is prohibiting me from listing at this time;). Until then.....


Patti said...

very cool background!!!

Brandon said...

Mackenzie just went through the same thing and then followed up with three posts in one day. I'm sure you'll be fine.