Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I love sugar! I always have. Is that a bad thing? In our house there exists a sugar lover, me, and a sugar-free lover, Chris. I do buy sugar free products (syrup, soda, salad dressing, kool-aid), but in the back of my mind I am always thinking - Is this really better? A chemical alternative to natural? HMMM? And then, there is the class that I attended when Chris became a police officer in Scottsdale. The class was for the wives of new officers, and was chock-full of helpful little bits of information to keep us healthy and happy during our husband's stressful career as a police officer. In this class, they warned us that aspartame, a chemical alternative to sugar, actually turns into formaldehyde after it enters the body. Does anyone remember science class in 7th, 8th, 9th or 10th grades, when you dissected things that were preserved in formaldehyde? Again, HMMMM? This morning, as I was paroozing some political blogs that Chris follows (I will read them only once in a while or I get political overload - a bad mental state for me), I found this article:
It was written by Diane Medved, the wife of the very respected (in our house) journalist, author, radio-show host, and blogger, Michael Medved. Again HMMM? Let me know what you think. Take my poll and let's see how many sugar lovers we have out there!


Kenzie Rice said...

LOOOOOVE sugar. its my downfall big time!!!!!!

Kenzie Rice said...

oh..and tell uncle to invite me to his blog! for cryin out loud :)

Brandon said...

Can't remember what class it was the other day, but our teacher said something like the foods we eat today preserve our bodies better, so after we die, our bodies don't decompose the same as they used to. Might have been in Personal Finance. Isn't high school wierd?

Patti said...

Everything in moderation is what I say.
Brando- weird is a weird breaks the "I before E" word..there's more real-world info than any public high school will give you;)

CKopp said...

I follow: I before E, except in most words.