Hi, this is Josh. This past weekend, Trevor and I went on a camp out with our Boyscout Troop to
Camp Citta.
This is the Swagger Patrol's tents and food tarp...
This is the Radiation Patrol's tents and food tarp - Trevor and my tent is the first from the left in the row of three...
After we set up camp we posted the Colors and our Troop flag...
We went on a nature hike with Mr. B...(our scout leader)
We had a fire building competition...(my team won)...
I am the one on the far right with the green hat...
I am the one on the far right, again, with the green hat...

Trevor is helping me earn my Totin' Chip ~ so I can carry my pocket knife and use saws and axes when we go camping...
Me, Nick and Christian...
On Sunday we headed back to our Troop meeting place at the Scullville Firehouse where we built a log tower, and rope bridge (10 feet by 50 feet), that we will use this Saturday night at the Boyscout Blue and Gold Dinner. That is the dinner where me and my friends will officially become Boy scouts and leave Cub scouts behind.
Trevor helping to build the rope bridge...
We had a lot of fun but I missed my mom a TON!!!
That looked like great fun, I was a Boy Scout a very long time ago.
This looks like so much fun! Your dad used to go to camps like this- but he pretty much cried the whole time from missing me. Just ask him. Once we drove from our cabin all the way over to boy scout camp to drop him off, and I cried all the way back to our cabin. It was no fun being stuck up at the cabin with only Aunt Hopie to torment me. I can say things like that he, cuz she never reads our blogs! Haha! Oh, and also- your dad loooooved quickie pies. Ask him how to make them, he will tell you. They are just as good going down as coming back up!
AND they taste exactly the same either way!!! Love you guys:)
Scullville? What kind of a state do you people live in! (Just kidding, it got its name after what happened to the last troop of kids that didn't clean up their mess!)
Patricia, you are vulgar. I almost threw up after reading about the quickie pies. And something else you are good at that rhymes with pies.....lies. Chris never cried because he missed you, he missed his ronald mc donald doll.
Josh, great pictures and story line. Did your Dad tell you about his camping experiences?
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