First, we took a video of it from the inside...
Then, we took a video from the outside...(Watch - IF YOU DARE...this one is scary)...
After filming this video Jason ran inside screaming "it's going to eat us alive!!" (LOL)
Here are some things, I bet you didn't know, about Praying Mantises...
- A Praying Mantis can be anywhere from 1 cm long to 12 inches long.
- It is a close relative to the cockroach and stick insect.
- The Greek word for Mantis is "prophet".
- A Praying Mantis uses camouflage for survival.
- They can see movement up to 60 feet away.
- The praying mantis is a carnivorous insect. It eats other insects, and animals like frogs, lizards, and even small humming birds.
What was he praying for?
IS YOU SERIOUS?? A praying mantis can eat a HUMMING BIRD?? Josh- is you being homeschooled???
Yes, I is!
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