Today we spent the day swimming with Tom, Kate, Caroline, Drew and Matt Kopp. They are visiting the coast for a week and invited us to go swimming with them at their hotel. We had a blast!! Thanks Tom and Kate!
Joshua and Matt - everyone here thinks they look a lot alike - what do you think?

Tom, Myself, Drew and Kate...

Elli swam and then fell asleep...

The whole Kopp gang: Caroline, Reagan, Trevor, Joshua, Drew, Dan (Kate's nephew), and Jason and Matt up front...
I think Josh and Matt look sooo much alike!! My kids had so much fun with your kids and look forword to seeing you the rest of the week. I love it!!! You are a joy too - can't wait for more chatting with you. Thanks for today!!! Love, Kate
Yeah, I am so glad you got on my blog! We had a blast too. Thank you and see you soon!
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