Our transition to New Jersey was so wonderful because we had so much family here when we got here! Mom and Dad were with us for Father's day!

We saw Grandma Faith's toaster at the Smithsonian - Joshua thought that was funny!
This is how the twins slept as we wandered through museums in DC...

Thank you to all our incredible family who made the transition to New Jersy soooo great! We love you!

We gave Dad a new door mat for his trailer:)!
Uncle Sam, Aunt Patti, and Lily came to visit us...Lily and Elli got to pretend to be twins...

We went to Washington DC with them...

This is how Elli travelled around DC...

Joshua and the twins in front of the White House...

Jason and Reagan met Batman and Robin at the Washington Monument...

Elli again...

Joshua's favorite part of visiting Washington DC was seeing C3PO...

We went to see Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia...

After visiting Philadelphia, we drove up to Wyckoff, NJ so that we could attend the 50th wedding anniversary of Chris' Aunt Judy and Uncle Tom. Everyone at th party had their cameras out but me - so I have no pictures of the party, but I am so glad to have been able to go. Uncle Tom and Aunt Judy have an incredibly wonderful family and I love visiting them! We also got to see Hope, Brittany, Jade and Grace. The twins couldn't wait to play with their cousins. Aunt Hopi got Elli and Lily matching dresses so that they could pretend to be twins again...

It sure was fun being with Judy and Tom's family and most of our side of the family. Only wish the other grandchildren could have been there. It was fun helping you all move into your beautiful new home. Love your pictures, as usual, they make me sad and happy at the same time. Love you all, Mom/Grammi
tell uncle he looks SO HANDSOME in the first two pictures :) what a sweet post...cant wait to visit u all in december!
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