I seriously thought about returning the blanket to get something more
girly, but I absolutely love the fact that the twins picked it out (and will say "I got this for my baby sissy"). So I didn't have the heart to return it. So...I doctored it up. What do you think?
i think it's darling... i think you should sew pink "tags" around the perimiter too:)
i love it! so cute :)
OH I LOVE IT!!! Tan won't show the dirt as easily as the pink would have. I know why the twins picked out the monkey blanket...'cause it made them think of themselves! Can't wait till February, even if it is snowing I will come. Neither snow nor sleet nor rain will keep me away.
i cant remember if i left a comment yet or not so if i did dont post this! but i love it even more now :)
I think pink ribbon tags on the edges would be cute too - have lots of pink ribbon too - :)
I'm with Patti! Taggies are SO in!!! (: I'm going to post about one soon!
I don't like tags. Worried the baby's fingers will get caught.
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