This tree in our front yard - made the day a little more picturesque
Friday, October 16, 2009
A beautiful October day here in Ohio!
Today is just a beautiful October day. The boys and I spent the day putting away the summer clothes and getting out the winter ones. We have already put the flannel sheets on all the beds because our nights are very chilly now. We also brought in the dresser and nightstand, that I am in the process of refinishing, and got the twins room a little more prepared for their sister's arrival. It was a nice quiet - but busy - day.
Today has also been Leah's best day since her attack. For those of you who haven't heard, our little dog, Leah, was attacked this past Sunday night - by what we don't know. The vet seemed to think it was a large animal that actually picked her up in it's mouth. Chris and I think it was probably a smaller animal that got her good or perhaps a night owl. Whatever it was, it did some damage. She has been traumatized. She is on antibiotics and pain killers, has had difficulty all week walking, has been very jumpy and quiet (she usually barks at everything that comes by the house and everyone that comes to the door), and has not been eating well. Today, however, she is getting around better, she ate a good bit of food this morning, and she actually barked at and ran, as best as she could, to the door when the doorbell rang today. She is still pretty swollen on the left side, and I know not having any fur on either sides has made her quite cold during the past week, but she is doing much better. I know this may all sound a bit silly - fussing so much over a dog - but she is my dog, and I love her. Look at how sad and pathetic she looks...

As you can clearly see, not only was hair shaved off both sides and stitches inserted, but it also affected the pigment in her eyes, making her right eye change colors periodically from a dark brown to a light greenish-blue.
It doesn't sound silly fussing over a dog - if you saw a wild squirrel limping, you would feel sad. This is a dog that has lived in your house for 9 years.
I was thinking about that boy that got lit on fire by other boys, and how I felt when Brandon broke his arm, or when a kid on the bus was mean to Joshie, and how I am dealing with the "not knowing" of what happened to my dog. I can't imagine what I would do if something really bad happened. You would probably find the heads of reporters on stakes outside my yard, as a warning to other reporters to beware...
the trees are beautiful, but i must say that OURS here in oregon are WAAAAY prettier! hehe :) poor poor leah! :( she looks pretty sad.
OH MY POOR LEAH BEDIA!!! I wish I could be there to give a gentle hug. It brought tears to my eyes to see her looking so sad and injured. Please give her a hug from Grammi, Mocha and Cinnie too.
PS. I am having a Lori's Loft marathon and missing you all so much. Papa promises we will come next summer and I can come when your precious baby girl is born.
Mom you can come any time you want!!
...I hugged Leah for you - she screamed in pain, thanks alot Mom!
Chris, I told you to give Leah a "GENTLE" hug. You and your mega muscles!!!!
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