It is probably no surprise how proud we all are of Brandon - Chris and I are so blessed to have such an amazing first son - Trevor, Joshua, Jason, and Reagan are also so blessed to have such a great big brother - Brandon graduated from 8
Th grade yesterday - he
received numerous honors awards for his grades and hard work - but it was great to hear his teachers talk about what a great person he is (see Chris' blog) - we see every day how kind,
loving, thoughtful, responsible, self-motivated, generous, etc, etc, etc, (there really are so many wonderful things to say about Brandon) - it was great to see that it is not just us being biased - other people see Brandon's wonderful person and spirit too. We love you Brandon - thank you for the blessing you are to this family! Now - here are some of my favorite pics (Chris couldn't fit them all in):)

I love that kid!! The 2nd pic down is my favorite ever:) Send him here for a graduation present! We will spoil him to death!
Maybe we will send him for his high school graduation:)
5th one down is my fav. That is how I still see him. Very serious, most of the time, even when eating ice cream at Disney Land. Quick story. I never spanked Brandon, never had to. But when he was about 4, I had to scold him for not sharing with his brother (his only brother at the time). And then I found him in his room crying, very dramatically, saying, "Oh no, I'm a bad big brother!" You would have thought he was acting, or over acting, but the drama was all too real. I can honestly say, that I think he has tried to be a good big brother from that moment on.
His graduating 8th grade has been very hard on his mother and I. I have no idea what we are going to do in 4 years...
ooo I love the 2nd one! It looks just like him only miniature! (:
Sweet story Chris told! What a softy!
oh trust me, you aint seen nothin yet. high school graduation killed me for both boys- it does NOT get easier, it gets worse! strangely jason's wedding was okay...maybe cuz I knew he was being transferred into good hands:) but...moving out was the worst...I still haven't recovered:( And i'm not being dramatic- I was still crying about it last night- and it has been a year!! They will always be my babies:(
Lori, this is too funny- I have a friend who has a blog with the exact background. I just started reading her blog a few days ago. So when I came on your's I was like- wait, I thought I clicked on "Lori's Loft" not "Life on Dental Floss Lane"... Then I saw Brandon's pictures. You need to post some more videos, we watch them over and over!
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