The weather here in New Jersey has been very strange lately. Each week, for the past few weeks, 5 of the 7 days of the week have been beautiful sunny days with temperatures in the 40s and 50s…sometimes even the low 60s. That may sound cold to some of you but that is jeans and t-shirt weather for us…shorts and t-shirt weather for some of my children :) The remaining 2 days of the week we have seen temperatures drop to the teens and we have gotten snow and sleet…and then it warms back up again. For example, this past weekend we played outside in the yard all weekend in jeans and a t-shirt…it was beautiful weather with blue skies, a bright sun, and temperatures in the 50s…and then Wednesday night of this week we got hit with rain and sleet and temperatures in the low teens. Yesterday temperatures remained below 20 all day, and today it is 22 degrees this morning as we are getting ready to start school. I think the weather is confusing some of my children…let me show you what I mean….
Does anyone remember the Sesame Street game One of these things is not like the others?
You were shown a picture of 3 "things" and asked to point out the "thing" that didn't belong with the other "things". Let's play the game with a picture that I took of my 3 youngest children before we started school this morning…I asked them to make their beds, get dressed for the day, and then come down and let me know they were ready. To make this game more fun, I have included the words to the song that is meant to accompany this game...The song went something like this…
Two of these things belong together…
Two of these things are kind of the same…
Can you guess which one of these doesn't belong here?
Now it's time to play our game…it's time to play our game!