Wednesday, December 18, 2013

20 years....

7 kids...4 houses...4 jobs...3 states...and many miles ago...we tied the knot!
Happy Anniversary Babe!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SNOW again...

So yesterday...the day after we had all that snow...we had temperatures in the 40s and lots of rain and the snow all melted.  The kids were sad :(

This 5 a.m...I received a telephone call from the school Superintendent's office....

"No school today due to the snow"

...Chris and I both looked outside and to our total surprise there was 
Apparently it is supposed to snow sometime today....that's New Jersey.

I will keep you posted on whether we get snow....until then I have to break it to the kids that they are going to do schoolwork at home :)

Well, we ended up getting a was more sleet and ice than snow....

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Brandon is home!!!!

I am a bit late in posting these photos....however...
Last Sunday, we all waited anxiously at the airport for Brandon to arrive home...
It seemed like an eternity, but the moment finally arrived...
We were all so happy to have him back...especially the little ones...
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner....
Unfortunately, right after Thanksgiving dinner, Brandon got sick...we think it was a stomach virus :(  He laid around and slept the rest of his visit...Leah didn't mind at all...
He headed back to Colorado this morning...still sick :(....but....he will be back in 2 1/2 weeks for his Christmas break ;)
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving...and due to Brandon's illness, our Family picture didn't get our Christmas cards may become New Years cards :)