We have been experiencing some very cool Scooby-Doo fog here on the East coast. Every morning for the past 4 or 5 days, we have woken up to fog so thick that you couldn't see down the street in our neighborhood. Some days the fog would clear up, and other days it was foggy all day. We went for a walk on the boardwalk this past weekend, and you could see the fog rolling in from the ocean, across the boardwalk, and further inland. It was so thick that if there were ships just off the coast of New Jersey, waiting to attack, you wouldn't be able to see them (see what being married to an FBI agent has done to me :)).
Yesterday afternoon, the fog cleared completely and we had the most beautiful sunny day!! This morning, the sun rose high, and we will have another beautiful sunny day!! I do believe Spring has arrived!! Note:
...green leaves on my rose bushes...
...green buds on my hydrangeas...

...flowers on our "popcorn" tree...
...flowers on our "cotton candy" trees...
...our friendly neighborhood cardinal sings all day long - you can see him at the top of the picture in the middle (it was so bright I couldn't see that he wasn't centered when I took the picture ;))...
...kids playing outside without jackets and hats...
Yep...I think it is safe to say that Spring has arrived!!!