Just in case you didn't understand her, it is "I" - Elli's birthday, she is going to be 2, and she wants pot pie and 3 cakes for her birthday ;)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Real quick....
Real quick....here are pictures of the kids the other day - they just wanted to pose....
And then they wanted me to take a video of them exercising...
Friday, February 17, 2012
Brag post....and woolsock skating...
I realise that some of you may already have read this on Chris' blog...but...for those of you who do not go to Chris' blog....
Our son, Brandon Michael Kopp, received a perfect score, in the math portion, on his SATs....
We are so INCREDIBLY proud of you Brandon!!!
..................................................and now............................................
What can you do with wood floors and wool socks, on a cold, rainy day to have fun?
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
A Kopp Valentine's Day....
Valentine's Eve, I had so much fun putting up my decorations. I made my own "conversation" hearts out of construction paper, wrote personal messages to my family on them, and hung them throughout our breakfast nook. I bought Valentine's Day balloons for the twins and Elli (they LOVE balloons ;)) - and hung them on their chairs. I decorated our table with all kinds of goodies and, of course, our Valentine mailbox took center stage on the table...bulging with all the Valentines we made for each other.
Thank you Gramma Pauline for all the candy treats ;)
We made our Valentine cookies together - but I iced them when the kids were not around, so they were excited to see the finished result....
For dinner I made breakfast. Our family loves having breakfast for dinner - it is a treat. So, I made french toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon. I cut hearts into the bread before I cooked it....
...and we had hot cocoa with heart marshmallows with our dinner - YUM!!!
It was a wonderful Valentine's day - full of hugs, kisses, and snuggles from all my kiddos!! Hope you all had a great Valentine's day!!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Blog Fix and Snow!!!
I have been totally unable to figure out how to fix my blog....for now, since I have a little bit of space created in my albums from deleting pictures, I am going to ignore the problem. I am still having problems with editing but I am going to ignore that too - I have too many other things to give my attention to. So....
Saturday was a cold day with a little bit of snow, and lots of slushy, freezing rain. Saturday night the slushy, freezing rain turned into snow. Sunday morning we awoke to SNOW ON THE GROUND!!!
The kids were all so excited to finally get to use their snow-ball makers and have a snow-ball fight!!!
We still had a little snow on the ground this morning, but I don't think it will be around for long. It would be great to get more snow tonight and have a snow day on Valentine's Day!!! Speaking of which, we have all been working hard on our Valentine's Day cards....
Elli even made some this year....
If you look close you can see that she picked out Scooby Doo stickers for this Valentine....
This is a Valentine that I made...not quite done yet in the picture....if you get this Valentine leave me a comment and tell me that you will be MY VALENTINE!!

Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day Eve...we will be making cookies tonight and I will post pictures later tonight!!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Blogging Drama
Ok - has anyone noticed that I haven't been blogging as often? The problem, besides having a lot to do at home, is that Blogger - the website that hosts my blog - will not let me upload more pictures. Apparently, I have filled my quota of available space on their website. I am not sure how this is possible since I have been blogging fewer years than Chris has and he has never run into this problem. Nevertheless, it has been a recurring problem for months now. I did visit my photo albums on blogger to delete doubles, triples, and pictures I no longer use....but this messed up a lot of my past posts and freed up only a very minimal amount of space for me to add more pictures. So...I have decided that I am going to delete this blog and start a new one. I will be working on beginning a new one for a few days, so if you want an invitation to the new blog just leave me a comment containing your email address and I will send you the new invitation. If you do not visit my blog and only receive an email of my blog - and you wish to continue to receive an email of my blog - just email me at kopp.lori@gmail.com and I will set it up so you receive an email of my new blog. If you have a miracle solution to this blogger drama that would enable me to forgo deleting this blog, then leave me a comment revealing the miracle solution. Hope I don't lose too many of you with this change : / I am so sad that I have been unable to fix this problem and that I am going to lose all of my past posts....at least I still have all the pictures in my albums at home :)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Cute pics...and...Superbowl pics....
Elli's ready to go shopping with Mommy....
Elli and her twin Joshua....
Elli acting like a puppy....
Elli and Jason being silly before the Superbowl started....
Ok...Football watching times back here on the East coast STINK!!!! I think I have, maybe, seen the end to 3 games this season. I did see the end to the Superbowl last night...but, I was only 1 of 3 that made it....
Trevor was out in the first quarter...yes that's Leah sharing a blanket with Trevor, and yes, she has her own pillow....
Joshua, like Trevor, only made it through the first quarter....
Jason and Reagan made it to the third quarter....
Elli tried hard to make it to the end. She has all kinds of things she does to keep herself awake. One of those things is being goofy and making silly faces and then laughing at herself...

It doesn't usually work, and it didn't work last night. She was asleep before the end of the fourth quarter....
Yes...that is Dallas Cowboys clothing....gotta love America's team ;)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Just in time for Groundhog' day....
We woke up this morning and realized it was Groundhog's day....6 more weeks of winter says the whistling pig from Punxsutawney, PA. Yeah!!! Brandon, Trevor and I have a bet going about more snow this winter, with the loser buying a candy bar for the winner(s)....more winter sounds good to me! Can you guess the bet I made? Anywho...I promised my mom to post more pictures today, so enjoy....
Elli ready for church...she had pigtails in...they were so cute....
Reagan and Elli ready for church....
Elli TOTALLY ready for church...shoes, necklace and all...
Jason and Reagan and Elli with their Build-a-Bears...Jason and Reagan received money from Gramma Pauline for their birthday, and they went shopping for clothes for their Build-a-Bears. Jason got a Pirate outfit for Alex, his alligator, and Reagan got a Firefighter outfit for Wolfie, his wolf. Thank
you Gramma Pauline!!!! :) Elli loves the cheerleader bear she stole from her mommy ;)
Joshua jumped in the picture with Theo, his Build-a-Bear ;) Sweet story....The twins each got a coupon, for Build-a-Bear, in the mail for their birthday. The coupon was 5$ towards any purchase of 5$ or more - so basically 5$ cash. They gave Joshua one of the coupons so that Joshua could buy a new shirt for Theo....so sweet!! Josh was thrilled that he got to shop with the twins at Build-a-Bear and Theo got a new dress shirt out of it ;)
Elli just recently began a fascination with Scooby-Doo. We have books about Scooby-Doo that she loves to read, and a stuffed animal Scooby-Doo that she plays with regularly. We went to the doctor last week for the twins, and because they were so good getting shots, they were each allowed to get a sticker from a basket after the visit. Elli went crazy when she saw a Scooby-Doo sticker in the basket. She showed everyone at the doctor office her sticker. She loved it so much it got transferred to her shirt for the day, then to her PJs that night, and then to her shirt the next day. Sad to say that Scooby sticker didn't make it to a 4th outfit....we distracted her with the Scooby stuffed animal while we placed the worn our sticker in the trash. This is a video of Elli talking about her sticker with Brandon....she says Scooby-Doo so cute!!!